Title: CPAD – Back to School for Grownups
Location: MN Teamsters Service Bureau
Link out: Click here
Description: Join this practical discussion for adults contemplating a return to the classroom. Based on real-world experience, our speaker will help you tackle questions you (or your clients) might have, such as: Am I too old? What about the money? Am I capable? Is it worth it?

Learn what qualities higher education professionals recognize in effective adult learners & hear about grownups who successfully made the journey back to school. Whether you are considering a certificate program, PhD., or are completely unsure which road to take, you’ll get some tools to help you/your clients make good decisions each step of the way.

Speaker: Laura Gilbert, PhD., author of Back to School for Grownups, went back to the classroom (for the first time) as a single mother in search of a career to support her and her 4 children. Her passion for the adult learner grew as she saw the sincerity and tremendous effort put forth by many nontraditional students. Her career history includes professional musician, human resource executive, attorney, consultant and professor. She has coached individuals & families from initial higher education decisions through the school-to-work transition and career path planning. Today she teaches adult learners in an MBA program.
Start Time: 07:30
Date: 2010-09-10
End Time: 09:00